Monday, April 25, 2011


people say im too skinny
they say im way too small
i think im just right
Gandhi was skinny
no one told him to gain weight

i keep forgetting to feed the dog
thats gunna come around and
bite me in the butt one day
it will hurt

i often loose my phone
i search for hours and
find it in my pocket
i often loose my mind
i search for hours and....

i don't care what i look like
i only get ready when i go to work
who cares if i wore the same clothes as yesterday?
anyone that notices needs to get a life
or find someone else to stock

i once believed in Carma
but even when your good
crap happens, and your in the dark
tonight im not good
and tonight is not the last time ill see the light

i let other people make my decisions
i really could care less
when will we own our selves completely?
maybe when people stop caring...
and i start

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I love it. I don't know what else to say.
