Thursday, May 12, 2011


ORDINARY WORLD:  Hercules was born a god, but stolen and turned mortal. he still has his super strength, and he doesn't fit in because of it. he lives with his adopted parents on a little farm, and they are the only ones who like him.
CALL:  he goes to the temple of Zeus and Zeus tells him that he is his real father. he tells him that he is a god and the only way to return to mount olimpus is to become a hero
REFUSAL: hercules is scared. he doesn't know how to be a hero.
MEETING THE MENTOR: he goes to Phil, Phil trains him to be a hero. and they become friends.
CROSSING THE THRESHOLD: Hercules goes to the city and no one wants him. then he slays the dragon. everyone wants him and they consider him a hero.
TESTS, ALLIES, ENEMIES: Hercules becomes famous. he meets lots of people, he is rich. he fights more bad things, saves more people. he also falls in love with meg.
APPROACH: he meets Hades, he makes a deal to give up his strength for a day in exchange for megs freedom. with out his strength he can't fight the bad stuff, the city is getting destroyed, the titans are let loose, Olympia is getting recked. when meg gets hurt the deal is off, and Hercules gets his strength back.
ORDEAL: with Hercules strength returning, he has to save Olympia from the titans. the other part is, meg is dying and he has to save olimpia before she does. he saves them and captures the titans
RESURRECTION: just when he thinks everything is good, he returns to meg, and she is dead, he is so angry, he goes back to Hades and offers to die for her. he jumps into the pool of dead people, and has to get to her before he dies!! just when he is on the verge of death, he becomes a true hero, and therefore a god. he can not die and he saves meg!!
REWARD:  he is now a god, he can live with the gods, and he also has meg!! wohoo!! go rewards!!
THE ROAD BACK:  he goes to mt Olympia to be with the gods, and realizes meg can't come. he decides that he would rather be mortal and live with meg.
ELIXIR: he says "a life with out  meg is no life at all" he realizes that what he had been working for all along(godhood) wasn't really what he wanted. love is what brings happiness :) go love!!!

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