Tuesday, May 31, 2011


i want to go back to kindergarten. i want to be little again. i want to go back to being naive and thinking the world is a good place. i want to go back to simple math, and having everything handed to me. i want to go back to that time, when the only differences between boys and girls, was hair and shoes. i want to go back to juice boxes, and fruit snacks. and back when the mot stressful part of the day,.. was when my shoe laces came untied. i wan to play again, i want to trust again, i want to breathe again. i want to go back to being held by my mom, and when she tells me that everything is going to be ok, .. it actually is. but the juice boxes are gone. it seems the younger i try to be, the older i get. and now when i asked my mom how to end this poem. she just said,.. stop talking.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


ORDINARY WORLD:  Hercules was born a god, but stolen and turned mortal. he still has his super strength, and he doesn't fit in because of it. he lives with his adopted parents on a little farm, and they are the only ones who like him.
CALL:  he goes to the temple of Zeus and Zeus tells him that he is his real father. he tells him that he is a god and the only way to return to mount olimpus is to become a hero
REFUSAL: hercules is scared. he doesn't know how to be a hero.
MEETING THE MENTOR: he goes to Phil, Phil trains him to be a hero. and they become friends.
CROSSING THE THRESHOLD: Hercules goes to the city and no one wants him. then he slays the dragon. everyone wants him and they consider him a hero.
TESTS, ALLIES, ENEMIES: Hercules becomes famous. he meets lots of people, he is rich. he fights more bad things, saves more people. he also falls in love with meg.
APPROACH: he meets Hades, he makes a deal to give up his strength for a day in exchange for megs freedom. with out his strength he can't fight the bad stuff, the city is getting destroyed, the titans are let loose, Olympia is getting recked. when meg gets hurt the deal is off, and Hercules gets his strength back.
ORDEAL: with Hercules strength returning, he has to save Olympia from the titans. the other part is, meg is dying and he has to save olimpia before she does. he saves them and captures the titans
RESURRECTION: just when he thinks everything is good, he returns to meg, and she is dead, he is so angry, he goes back to Hades and offers to die for her. he jumps into the pool of dead people, and has to get to her before he dies!! just when he is on the verge of death, he becomes a true hero, and therefore a god. he can not die and he saves meg!!
REWARD:  he is now a god, he can live with the gods, and he also has meg!! wohoo!! go rewards!!
THE ROAD BACK:  he goes to mt Olympia to be with the gods, and realizes meg can't come. he decides that he would rather be mortal and live with meg.
ELIXIR: he says "a life with out  meg is no life at all" he realizes that what he had been working for all along(godhood) wasn't really what he wanted. love is what brings happiness :) go love!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

ordinary world

consequencial happenings

walter hobbs. a 17 year old highschool kid. living in down town seatlle. he is on the school baseball team. he is very good. he has scholarship offers at several univercities. he is still in the process of deciding where to go. he is extremely shy. but he has a few close friends on his team. as far back as he can remember he has secretly been in love with the most beautiful girl in school. jamie swenson, but she doesn't even know she exists. he suffored an injury to the head when he was young and has few memories of his early childhood. his senior prom is just around the courner and he is determined to ask jamie. things are going good for him. one day his parents come to him to talk. they sit him down and tell him he was adopted. he has had an expired green card and the fbi has been searching for him for years. his parents reveal to him his real name, real parents, and that he either has to run or go back to scandinavia.

will walter run?
will he ever play baseball again?
most of all, will ever be able to dance with jamie at prom and reveal his love?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shake the Dust

this is for the flaimers.this is for anyone that has ever been lost at disney land. this is for those teenage moms left all alone. shake the dust. this is for those dads that weren't their kids heroes. this is for the naked. this is for those girls that won't leave him because they are afraid of being alone. this is for the old rocking chairs and the widows that rock in them. shake the dust. this is for anyone that has come in second place. this is for those teenage boys that step in and take the beating so they don't have to watch their mom cry. this is for the sluts. shake the dust. stop sitting in the dark. stand up and do something about it cuz time is running short and there is more you can do. this is for the people who wish they were someone else. this is for the mom that gave it all up to have a family. this is for those that have passed away and those that are getting close to it. this is for those that were left out in the rain. shake the dust.and don't go back.

Monday, April 25, 2011


people say im too skinny
they say im way too small
i think im just right
Gandhi was skinny
no one told him to gain weight

i keep forgetting to feed the dog
thats gunna come around and
bite me in the butt one day
it will hurt

i often loose my phone
i search for hours and
find it in my pocket
i often loose my mind
i search for hours and....

i don't care what i look like
i only get ready when i go to work
who cares if i wore the same clothes as yesterday?
anyone that notices needs to get a life
or find someone else to stock

i once believed in Carma
but even when your good
crap happens, and your in the dark
tonight im not good
and tonight is not the last time ill see the light

i let other people make my decisions
i really could care less
when will we own our selves completely?
maybe when people stop caring...
and i start

Sunday, April 17, 2011


i was 2 L 2 -

i don't know how to work computers. i could not figure out how to get my pic on my blog!!! but its a picture of a hand making a 2 and an L and another 2 and just a flat hand.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


sk8r boy -avril lavene
lisa loved mike. mike loved her. lisa was too cool and wouldn't let anyone know she loved him out of fear because of his low social statis. years later she finds that she is now the loser and he is too cool for her and now there is someone new.

fresh prince -will smith
will was living in the getto. when he began to get into trouble his mom did the only thing she new to help him. she sent him far away to live in the rich nieghborhood of belare with his aunt and uncle. he sees his life wil be diferent and he will be spoiled

billy jean -micheal jackson
billy jean wants to dance on the floor in a round. she claims that micheal his the father of her son that looks very similar to him. but his mother had always told him to be careful. so he following her advice knows that the kid is not his son.

sara beth - rascal flatts
sara beth finds she has cancer and is really scared. with prom just around the corner things get drastically worse when she looses her hair through therapy. she gets asked to prom and what that couragous boy does that night will take all of her fears away

glad you called -can't remember
a boy is about to take is life. but when his friend calls to invite him to the lake all his sadenss is gone. later two teenagers become pregnat and decide to abort the baby just as she is in the doctors she recieves a call that changes everything.